The IELTS Success Hub

  • Get Band 7 and higher in IELTS
  • Learn from an ex-IELTS Examiner
  • Prepare for IELTS quickly and effectively. 
  • Get all the essential information and tips. 
  • Discover how to write high scoring essays. 
  • Learn vocabulary and improve your grammar.

 30-day money-back guarantee. Get a FULL refund if you’re not 100% satisfied.  

Is this YOU?

  • You need Band 7 in IELTS, but you're not sure how to get there
  • You've taken IELTS before but you got Band 6.0 or 6.5
  • You struggle with IELTS Writing
  • You have good English, but you're not sure how to prepare for IELTS
  • You spend hours searching for advice on YouTube and websites.
  • You're confused by all the advice online about how to prepare for IELTS.
  • You are worried that your English is not good enough for IELTS.

Yes? Then this is for you...


The IELTS Success Hub

Get the essential tips, tricks and techniques to get a Band 7 and higher in the IELTS Test. Learn from an ex-IELTS Examiner.

30-day money-back guarantee. Get a FULL refund if you’re not 100% satisfied.  

Here's What You Get...

IELTS Preparation
5 hours

Get all the essential information about the IELTS in this complete course. Learn about the format of each part of the exam. Understand the different question types. Discover the best exam tips. Test yourself.

IELTS Essay Masterclass
10 hours

The complete step-by-step guide to getting a high band score in IELTS Writing Task 2. Understand the band descriptors, learn an easy planning approach and discover how to write an essay that can get a Band 7 to Band 9.

IELTS Vocabulary

Improve your IELTS band score by learning 400 words that frequently appear in the IELTS Writing, Speaking, Reading and Listening Tests. Learn word meanings, pronunciation, common collocations, different forms, synonyms and example sentences. 

IELTS Grammar

Improve your English using my 3-Step Rapid Learning Method. Identify and correct errors with articles, verb tenses, prepositions, word choice errors and much more.

Bonus Vocabulary Course

Learn the complete Academic Word List, a list of the 570 most common academic words: videos + practice exercises.

IELTS Essay Planning Templates

Plan your IELTS essays quickly and effectively using my essay planning templates. Designed for each essay type.

IELTS Model Essays Pack

Get a pack of model Band 9 essays, with plans and vocabulary.

IELTS Writing Checklist

Learn 400 words essential for the IELTS Test

Vocabulary eBooks

Grow your vocabulary for IELTS with these 3 eBooks

"I was struggling a lot with IELTS, I took the test 3 times but didn't get the score I need. The courses helped me so much and everything is so clear. Charlie is a great teacher."

L 7.5 R 7.0 W 7.0 S 7.0


"I was in the middle of my university course and had to retake IELTS so I needed help, especially in writing, which is weak for me. Charlie's courses helped me a lot to prepare. Excellent!"

L 7.5 R 8.0 W 7.5 S 8.0


"I am a doctor and wanted to work in the UK, so I needed a high band score. There is so much information, I didn't know how to start. But Charlie's courses helped me understand everything quickly. Thank you so much!"

L 7.5 R 7.0 W 8.0 S 8.0


Everything you need to prepare for IELTS quickly and effectively, and get a Band 7 or higher.

  • Get ready for IELTS with the Complete IELTS Preparation Masterclass (5 hours of video + exercises + PDFs)
  • Learn how to plan and write a Band 7+ essay in the IELTS Essay Masterclass (10 hours + PDFs)
  • Improve your grammar and vocabulary in Correct Your Errors in IELTS (4 hours + exercises)
  • Build your vocabulary with 2 vocabulary courses (27 hours + PDFs + exercises)
  • Model IELTS Essays Pack
  • Essay Planning Templates
  • Vocabulary eBooks: Spelling, Idioms, Collocations
  • Email Support ask me ANYTHING!
  • Lifetime Access to all my courses

 "The courses show you how to write IELTS essays using a clear and simple approach. Plus, there are lots of examples to show you how to get a high band score. It's great!" 


L 8.5 R 8.0 W 7.5 S 7.5

"Charlie's courses are great. I loved watching the video lessons and using all the extra materials. There is a lot of materials! I improved my understanding of IELTS.

L 8.0 R 8.0 W 7.5 S 7.5


"There are some amazing insights. I LOVE the essay writing course which makes it clear what to do for Band 7-8 in Writing. Even more, the section about exam tips is so great that I quickly know what to do."

L 7.5 R 8.5 W 7.0 S 7.5


"The lessons are very detailed and explained in a very easy to understand manner. I highly recommend it to every person who wants to do well in IELTS. There is so much good information!"

L 8.5 R 9.0 W 8.0 S 8.0


Meet Your Instructor!

Hi! I'm Charlie and I am your British English teacher!

After qualifying as a teacher in 1998, I worked all around the world including at the British Council, IDP and International House. I also used to be an IELTS Examiner. I gained a Masters degree in Education in 2012.

In 2016, I started my website, IELTSCharlie, to help my students prepare for the IELTS Test. Soon after, I started creating courses and my YouTube channel, which now has almost 250,000 subscribers.

I know how hard it is to do well in IELTS! But with the right advice and information, it can be simple!

So join me on your journey to IELTS success!

30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

I am confident you will love the courses and bonuses, but if you don't find it useful, just send me an email within 30 days of your purchase, and I will give you a full 100% refund, no questions asked!

This means you can try out the Hub risk-free!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I offer a 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee, so if this is not for you, just send me an email within 30 days of purchasing, and I will refund the purchase price.

You do not have to wait. As soon as you purchase, you get access to everything: all the courses PLUS all the bonuses!

Yes, absolutely! The courses can be done on phones and tablets. However, you might find it easier to do the practice exercises on a desktop computer.

Yes. My payment processor will convert the price from US$ to your local currency.

Forever! You have lifetime access to the courses and study materials.

Please email me at with any other questions you have.